(Episode 1 Rebooted) Inanna and Enheduanna: Transgender in the Beginning

(Episode 1 Rebooted) Inanna and Enheduanna: Transgender in the Beginning

YouTube Podcast Script and Slides Introduction Welcome to the new and improved Valentine’s Voice, the show fueled by caffeine and curiosity! I am your host, Valentine Valcourt. This is a reboot of the show that I’ve been working on for a bit and I hope that you will enjoy at least as much. I’ll go…

Episode 7: Hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy

In this episode we talk about Hormones, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), who takes them, and some huge surprises I had on HRT. YouTube Podcast Script Hello and welcome to another episode of Valentine’s Voice, the educational and hopefully entertaining show hosted by me, Valentine Valcourt. Apologies for the delay in getting this out, finals for…

Episode 5: Introducing the Gender Bread Person

Episode 5: Introducing the Gender Bread Person

In this episode we walk through the different parts of us that make up our gender, sex, and sexuality with the help of the Gender Bread Person! The Gender Bread Person Worksheet:https://www.itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/downloads/Genderbread%20Person%20v4%20ALL.pdf Video Podcast Click Here for Gender Bread Person Worksheet Script Hello and welcome to Valentine’s Voice, the show for and by transgender people…

Episode 3: Cybele and Her Transgender Galli

Episode 3: Cybele and Her Transgender Galli

In this episode we move from Sumeria to Anatolia, Greece, and eventually Rome. Cybele, also known as the Magna Mater, was an extremely popular goddess that spread across the Roman empire along with her transgender priestesses. Video: Podcast: Script: “As recently as yesterday, they plied the streets of Carthage, with their oiled hair,their powdered faces,…

Episode 2: Transgender In The Beginning

Episode 2: Transgender In The Beginning

In this episode we find out how far back we have evidence of transgender and non-binary people in the historical record. Featuring Enheduanna and the cult of Inanna. Podcast Video Script Hello, and welcome to Valentine’s Voice, the educational show for transgender people by transgender people. Hosted by me, Valentine Valcourt. I had someone ask…

Episode 1: Magnus Hirschfeld & Transgender Science

Episode 1: Magnus Hirschfeld & Transgender Science

Episode One!Finally!This episode lays the ground work for an entire series about amazing transgender people in history! We look at the history of transgender science and specifically at Magnus Hirschfeld. Video Podcast Link Script A common word that I’ve seen recently in the news is Transgenderism.The implications are that being transgender is something like a…